Thursday, December 9, 2010

Exploring the ATL

And to clarify, maybe I should title this - Eating my way through ATL. I got invited to a dinner with some other young women in ATL. It's supposed to be a supper club where we explore the city, talk about life post our MBA (I believe we all finished in May 2010), the dating/married/parental scene and just whatver. There must have been about 10 of us women and even though it was my first time meeting all but 2 of the ladies that work with me as well. I didnt have a hard time mingling. I've learned that you can always find commonality with people... I think my crazy consulting background has given me that :)...

Today was the first event and it was at a great location called JCT Kitchen. It was a trendy very classy restaurant with a great wine selection and my dinner was really great.

An added plus for me is that I got to explore a new side of town that I had never been to before... Absolutely enjoyed my evening...

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