Monday, November 22, 2010

Gorgeous Man Walking!!!

So I went to a friends birthday and ran into a gorgeous man!!!... Mmmm!!! Eye Candy :). It's not everyday that this happens by the way, hence the reason to give a shout out to Mr. Gorgeous.

I had one of those weird moments where I was almost speechless... and if you know me, you'll realize that the chances of that happening are slim. (Okay maybe not, because actually I've learned that I have my shy moments and in these situations, that is usually the case)

But anyway, I got excited because he was good looking, quite tall probably about 6 feet, light skinned, had a good sense of humor and appeared to be fun loving. I got to chat with him for a while and I learned we had quite a few things in common including a major interest in travelling. We ended up sharing vacation ideas and must see destinations. We talked about relationships for a bit and I actually got some guy insight from him

So I started thinking, what kind of man is my type??? I feel like if I look at the vast men I've crushed on or dated, physically, they are very dissimilar. Some have been short, some really tall, some dark skinned some very light skinned, some black some not black :). My MBA roommate always made fun of me and my quiet obsession with Spanish men that would explain why I am trying to learn Spanish :). Okay so even though all these guys look different and are from various parts of the world, the one thing they have in common is confidence and that they are fun loving. This actually also applies to my really good guy friends as well.

So anyway, I conclude with this, I guess even though I don't think anything will come out of this attraction, I enjoyed the conversation and I walked away realizing that its still fun to meet new people, that there are a lot more attractive people out there and people that are crazy and random as I am... People that share similar interests as well... I'm ready to meet more fun loving people.


neuyogi said...

Nothing like good old eye candy to brighten one's day. By the way, you have never commented on my blog :(

Jade said...

I believe I have... Dont make me go digging through your blog and looking for my comments :). In any case, I havent read your blog in a hot minute but I should be catching up over thanksgiving... expects comment on EVERY one I read :)