Monday, November 22, 2010

The one that is most definitely not "the one"

So I had this conversation with one of my girlfriends a few weeks back and actually I think I've randomly discussed this with other women. It seems like every woman goes through a phase where she is 100% sure that a particular guy in her life is Mr right, no matter how obviously wrong the guy is for her. And no, I am not refererring to the so-called regular mistakes women supposedly make in relationships. Neither am I thinking of a situation where the guy is a safety net.

Instead, it is a guy that is a constant in her life. It may be a really good friend that she has crossed emotional boundaries with or someone that she has dated in the past. For some reason she compares people she meets to this guy and even when the guy treats her unfairly she quickly and easily forgives him whether or not he apologizes.

So I guess it got me wondering, why is this the case? It happens to even the smartest of women. Actually I feel like before most women find the right guy she goes through this phase with this "Not the One". Eventually at some point she finally lets go. Maybe the guy clearly moves on without her, maybe she wakes up and realizes her worth, maybe she finds someone else that treats her better. But for a fact at some point she wakes up, steps out of this trance and realizes her worth and she moves on. And it seems from then on, she can see clearly.. she knows what she wants, and what she will accept. It's almost as if she needs to go through that phase to fully transition to herself. But when she does, she is good to go

I dont know why this topic caught my attention this week maybe its just because of my recent conversation. Anyway women/ladies, if this applies to you, be encouraged. Know that no one can convince you otherwise but when you are ready, you'll realize its time to move on.

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