Monday, October 4, 2010

Season for older men / Sugar Daddy Magnet???

In the last 3 - 6 months, I've realized that the age group of men that approach me has changed. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. After all, we are all getting older. What gets my attention is that I feel like I almost skipped one age group (FYI, I rank age groups in 5 year ranges). Don’t get me wrong I still have men around my age pay me attention and every now and again they are bold enough to approach me to pass a compliment or invite me to hang out. The age range for discussion today is late 30s - mid40s.

For someone who could be oblivious to such things, I wanted to share a series of events that happened in the span of 2 weeks that finally made me notice
1) As I was waiting for my primary school friend who showed up late to dinner, some older guy just wanted to tell me that I am a very beautiful woman - he introduced himself, gave me his compliment and was on his way
2) a Greek Restaurant owner gave me his card on my way out after a group dinner in LA
3) A military guy at an MBA conference came by to chat and was wondering why I am still single
4) A guy who works for a sports company but could get me tickets to any sports game in the world wanted to know where I am from and wanted to take me out
5) Man at the bookstore saw me about to check out and felt the need to come give me a compliment.

A few first reasons why I thought this could be the case
1) I no longer live in Texas
2) I'm beginning to explore/take interest in grown up places - museums, fancier dinners ...

From asking guy friends I’ve come to learn that the truth may also be because older guys, guys that have been married for a while and or divorced men don’t feel the need to play games, they’ve probably experienced love in some form and just have a mature way about things. Older married guys, especially those that have wives that trust them feel its okay to pass a compliment and to move on with life no strings attached.

In any case, I appreciate the compliments and I am thankful for them. I just thought the changes were interesting.

Another funny fact is that most of these guys assume I am 25 and it makes me wonder how many years lower will a guy be willing to date 10? 20? 40? I guess love really has no boundaries on age but I realize that somehow I feel that a 6+ years gap or -2 year gap is more within my comfort zone 

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