Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Hills are Alive - Sound of Music at Fox Theatre

So as part of my settling into ATL, I have decided that I will try to do as many different variety of events. - I really just want to get out and explore the city. So Roger's and Hammerstein's "sound of music" was coming through the city and I wanted to go. I went with a girlfriend and boy did we have a blast.

It was great to watch the show live. Listening to the same songs we grew up singing, listening to some of the same lines and watching how they altered the story line to make things fit was really great. It was also a great way to kick off the last few hours leading to my birthday.. I think everyone who can should go watch it.

What I particularly enjoyed
- Its amazing that little kids were actually on tour.. They could really sing and I was impressed
- The older guy who played the captain had a strong voice and I thought that was sexy
- they made Maria funnier
- I also appreciated that the play was shortened
- The uncle was funnier too. his jokes were more realistic and it made him more loveable
- Overall I think I enjoyed the singing :)

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