Saturday, August 14, 2010

Salvador Dali - High Museum Atlanta

So Hello Art....

I'm not really into going to museums.. I guess I have my moments but today was one of those special moments. All around town, Salvador Dali's and his amazing moustache have been plastered across the city and I decided why not.. It's a good time as any to go see his work.

So i went with a girlfriend of mine and I loved it.

- His work is different, random but different
- For some random reason, (and I know partially because I am random), I quickly spotted some of the hidden messages in his work.
- One of his paintings - he painted humans fused together to look like a human skull. At a first glance, it looks like a squished skull but for some reason I saw the human bodies at a first glance.
- Learned that he worked with Disney to create a short cartoon. I watched the video and it is random.
- He has a signature piece that shows up in a lot of his work. I think I may actually be able to spot his work
- I never realized that artists have sketches :).. I know it makes perfect sense but never thought of it but it was great to see his.
- One of his special work was a sky view of Jesus nailed to the cross. very different I guess because most people think about it in terms of a view from below or face to face but not from his head down.
- I like the fact that he throws on very random things in one painting. Unique and different I must say..

I'm looking forward to some of Frank Gehry's stuff :)


neuyogi said...

Hmm i am gonna go look him up.

Jade said...

you should :).. He has some interesting work