Friday, May 21, 2010

The end of another chapter - Graduation

After about 2 years, school has come to the end. I mean the end like the end, like graduation end :). Getting through this final semester of school was torturous. Don't get me wrong, I worked hard and I was able to leverage my acquired skill of knowing when to skim and when to do deep dive sessions into materials - a must for EVERY student. This semester was just exceptionally hard because the future was pre-planned, I could see the exit and I could not be motivated anymore. After 3 semesters of extreme learning and hard work, there is no need for a last semester of torture :).

Anyway, the semester came busily and quickly as usual, we all complained through it, the global trips came and went quickly and then finals were around the corner and finally we are done. It still does not feel real to me. Maybe it's because we were all mentally checked out already or maybe it's because the semester or graduation felt like an abrupt end. In any case, I guess it will hit me by the end of the summer when I realize I can't just bother all my friends like I used to. Or maybe it will really hit me when the movers get here.

In any case, thanks to family and friends for making graduation special for me and also for supporting me through out the years :)

On a side note, I'm really looking forward to the next phase of my life :).

1 comment:

Anjuan said...

Congratulations, Jade!