Monday, April 19, 2010

Nothing like a guy with swagger

So at the afterparty of our MBA Soccer tournament weekend - think MBA guys interested in soccer = happy Edyth :)I got to mingle with a few of the soccer dudes and there were a few that caught my attention. Reality is I think soccer dudes have some kinda swagger and with the amount of running one has to keep up with to be decent in soccer, they also tend to be really in shape.

Anyway, One of the guys I met called me the next day after his flight was delayed and conversation goes along the lines of

Dude: Hey Jade, did you go see the finals and who won?
Jade: I did. Duke won. I take it you are at the airport about to leave?
Dude: Yeah but our flight was delayed till 11:30 PM
Jade: Checks time - Wait its only 6:30 - Jeez thats a long time
Dude: Well yeah, anyway I am kinda hungry, would you like to go grab a bite
Jade: Mmm.. very tempting but I have homework and stuff and I've been playing all weekend long considering that I am an officer and was involved in planning the tournament. (Also thinking wait, he is kinda cute and he was fun to hang out with)
Dude: "Well think about it and let me know what you decide".
Jade: Umm, okay.

In any case, I get off the phone confused. Wait... did he just say think about it and call me back if you are up for it. Who does he think he is. Where does all this confidence come from? Why is he...? Bottom line - I call him back in 30 minutes and ofcourse I am headed to dinner.

Now I have to say, there is something to say about a guy who dresses well and is gentlemanly (opens doors, gave me his jacket since we decided to go eat BBQ in about 70 degrees weather). He is kinda cute. we talked about our life prior to business school, the many travels we've had and ofcourse about soccer. I have to admit it was one of the best dates I've had and I had a great time. I guess it's true what they say, there is nothing like a guy with swagger :)

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