Sunday, May 23, 2010

The summer of new things - animals

I've always been scared of animals as far back as I can remember. A few reasons that I can think of for this are;

1) My mom took us to Trafalgar square when I was 5 or so. Back then it was a major touristy, feed the pigeons attraction and I remember that I would try to do so but when the birds got close to eating off my hands, I would panic and throw the food away.
2) Nigerians don't have Pets, they have security/attack dogs
3) I didn't grow up with pets so I don't understand their psyche

Anyway, I've never really thought much about these things until when I worked in San Francisco and I realized that the pigeons actually freaked me out... They had a ton of them in the city sometimes and the one off birds in Texas I guess didn't clue me in on my fear.

So I've always said I wanted to get rid of my generic animal fear but since me and my roommate don't have a dog I didn't know how. Not until we visited a couple professors who had pretty big dogs who were calm did I actually start getting better. Don't get me wrong, I still have my 1- second-there-is-a-dog-around panic but now, I can actually touch dogs and I won't not go to someone's house if there is a dog there. I think all bets would be off if the dogs barked though :). Now I'm wondering how to get rid of my fear of birds :).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Indians don't have pets either. Definitely not the middle class. They have kids. In India most dogs are stray, so if one starts running towards you, you better start praying :)

I had a huge fear of dogs too. But thanks to a dog named Kai, that I met in Hawaii last year, I can now say that I am a dog person. As long as it is a well-trained American dog!