Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blind Date Experience

For some random reason, I've always been curious about the whole blind date experience and I decided I wanted to go on a blind date - Actually I'm not quite sure why. I think it's probably because there is something so out of one's control when it comes to a blind date. I guess you never know what/who will show up, if you would have anything in common apart from the fact that you are human beings :), or if you'll just not be attracted to them or not even get any vibes - besides, it will give your internal crisis management skills some practice.

In any case, my action item on my personal list was "checked". A friend thought I'd have something in common with another of his friends hence the match making attempt.

I didn't know what to expect and me being the person who thinks through every situation and analyzes it from all angles I noticed I started to think too hard about the possible bad outcomes - for someone who is a little too optimistic, I tend to think through all bad possibilities and then hope for the best :) - but by the time the day came I had too much going on anyway and I think because it was brunch, it made for less pressure and also the location was casual and relaxing.

I have to admit I had a great time - Talked about sports and hobbies and music and a little about life and family. It was cool and it was different. I like to learn about the different things people are doing that's out of the norm and I like stories so the date added an element of variety/flavor to my day. Also I think we were both pretty realistic about things and I've never quite realized how important that was to me until the following example happened.

Someone I just met try to implement a talk to you every day schedule... This person realized I was in business school and I had midterms around the corner and I had just turned down meeting up with them because of those midterms but they still felt like calling everyday was ideal - all I could think of was how unrealistic and that was a MAJOR turn off needless to say that signaled the end of any further communiation with that person.

In any case, everything is all open and I am happy that if for nothing else I've expanded my network. Hopefully I'll get to do one of those other fun things on my personal check list soon.


neuyogi said...

wtf? you went on a blind date and didnt tell me!!!!!!!!!!! Was he cute?

Jade said...

luckily... Yes :) I had a great time. I cant dish out everything, it will leave nothing for the blog :)