Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One of the best advice I've ever received

So about 6 - 8 years ago, a very stubborn guy friend of mine obviously decided to do something that I told him was a bad idea but he chose to do it anyway (I cant even remember what it was) but I remember when he told me that what he did backfired on him, the very first thing I told him was - "I told you so". I know the lesson he learned or the mistake's repercussion was nothing life threatening but he just causally said - Mmmm that's not a very supportive thing to say or in More Nigerian terms - you wont make a good wife or something to that effect and for some random reason, that actually stuck with me. Maybe because even though he likes to joke around and be silly a lot, this time I actually felt like he really meant what he said. In any case it got me thinking - saying I told you so is a slight attempt at kicking someone when they are down. I guess I also realized that the person that ended up making the big mistake most likely remembers how they were warned about not doing that thing anyway and their talking about the repercussion to you means that they have already learned their lesson. And, I also decided to put myself in the person's shoes. If I messed up, I wouldnt really want someone to tell me I told you so either. Anyway to this day I dont think I've uttered those words even when it was well deserved.

Why bring this up today you ask? Well I guess I was placed in another situation where I had warned someone about not doing something and they did it anyway and today, they mentioned how severe the repercussion was for them and the thought came to mind but I could obviously not utter those words. The sad thing is that I am not in a position to help them get out of the mess and so basically I have to watch them go through this on their own but it is tough or it will be tough at least for a while. I hope I'll be available to help them get out of it. Somewhere from withing though I feel like this person appreciates me not saying I told you so. And I just wanted to share that this little life's lesson has thought me so much.

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