Saturday, December 5, 2009

Apparently I've fallen in love with Football

And by Football I actually do mean American Football. I mean let's see it's taken me 12 years in the U.S. to finally figure out the general guidelines to this game.

I remember back in my undergrad days when a couple of my guy friends tried to teach me the game. Whatever I learned, I forgot because I never watched it often enough to remember and besides, the games has too many rules.

Fast forward to when i decided to go get an MBA, for some random reason I chose Texas because I wanted to get into the whole school spirit Shin dig and boy, today, I am glad I did.

I remember my first few weeks on campus, a professor kept stating something about Mack Brown and I didnt know who he was, I had to ask a guy in my study group whose face changed and was amazed that I got into UT without knowing who that Mack Brown was the football coach at UT (I dont think I'll ever live that down).

Fast forward to today when Texas was playing in the Big 12 championship. Dang I have grown in my wisdom and knowledge of Football :). Now I actually keep track of when Texas plays and who we play with and I actually watch the game... I even went as far as buying tickets for this years home game....

But my excitement this evening calls for our qualifying match against Nebraska. So Nebraska has a tough defense and I realized throughout the game that Ndamukong Suh, one of Nebraska's defense players pretty much stole the spotlight because he was just really good. Texas managed to lead at 10 points until Nebraska took the lead with the last 1 min 43 sec or so. Texas advanced forward and Colt threw out the ball. Nebraska thought the clock ran out and they began to celebrate prematurely but Mack Brown and the Refs said there was still a second on the clock... Luckily for that one second, Texas was able to kick the ball and we won the game.... For a game I hardly knew anything about I was on edge all night :) and now that we won, Texas is headed to the National Championships baby :)


Anjuan said...

National Championship! Hook 'em, Horns! Colt McCoy for the Heisman!

neuyogi said...

whorrafeck????? I thought i was the only commenter/reader of this blog!!!! LOL Anyhow I keep trying to learn about american football and cant grasp it. maybe now, i am in bengal nation i will, cos God knows Cincinnatians love their Bengals and their Bearcats.

Jade said...

Anjuan - I guess after the Big 12 conference game, I didnt expect that Colt was going to take the heisman.... Ndamukong Suh ruined that chance :(

MPB - Yeah, you dont want to know how many times Kene and Femi tried to teach me football. They must have thought I was really dumb. When Kene came to watch UT play,he was shocked. Like happy shocked :). I think going to a game live and bothering all the guys in my study group also helped :)

BTW, you think you are the only one that reads my blogs... I think there are at least 3 readers - Me you and Anjuan :)...