Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Country Dancing and Beach Soccer - Makes for a great Saturday

This Saturday, I actually did a couple of fun things. Before I dive into all that I read a friends blog the other day and she had talked about how she was shy/scared of her new neighborhood and so had stayed indoors all day. In as much as I didnt think that was my deal especially if I have a car, I still could relate. There is some kind of fear or nervousness you feel about starting new in a new place. For me the fear comes in weird ways. I have to admit that this is my first going 3 months without my car.... actually no thats not true, I interned at GE in Virginia and that was the first summer I went without a car. In any case, I dont have a car this summer and so I have to take a straight train to work but I hadnt had any chance to take the L into the city. Anyway, I had beach soccer this weekend and I was a little hesitant to take the city trains and make connections to get to the beach for beach soccer. I got over my mini fear when I figured the worst that could happen is that I take the wrong bus/train and then I would end up somewhere else. I figured I'll get back home by Taxi but I did figure it out. It was really easy but in the process I got to see a different side of the city and I see a lot to love in Chicago...

Anyway, beach soccer was fun. IT IS A WORKOUT. Needless to say I was sore for about 3 days afterwards. We went to play pool after we all cleaned up and then I met up with a friend of mine who was visiting his friends from San Fran.. We stopped at a pub called Chicago Brauhause and ended up at a country bar called Carols... And YEP, I actually learned how to country dance. It was fun - ofcourse I didnt know any of the songs played but I could still hear the tune and it was fun :)...

1 comment:

neuyogi said...

yay i was referenced!