Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This Sunday Morning

This was actually funny to me. So I've noticed that everytime I live midtown/downtownish I always get the weirdest pick up lines. This Sunday's was probably the best. Let's see in Atlanta, I had 2 police officers blow theirhorns for a quick second and yell out, "You have the right to remain fine"...Anyway so this Sunday I am late to church which is only 3 blocks away from me by the way. Anyway, as I am trying to make it to church, some guy in a bmw blew his horn and I couldnt really make out who it was but I thought someone from church maybe so I waved at them and kept walking because again church is like 3 blocks away. before I got to the next block, apparently this guy made his way around the block just to come say hi....wanting to give me a ride.... Okay so the Nigerian in me is thinking kidnapping... what can I say, my mother really did tell me not to talk to strangers :).... Anyway, I said hi and he was all about where are you going and do you need a ride??? Honestly, I guess I really was not in the mood. And I tried to figure out what the guy could possibly be thinking. For starters, it is sunday morning so I could have only had a few agendas. 1) I am going to church. 2) I partied out late Saturday night possibly with some hot dude... and I am exhausted and just now going home. 3) Maybe I partied with girlfriends. Whatever the case I really didnt have time to chat... I am really late for church so I answered Church... Needless to say he didnt hang out for much longer after that :)...

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