Sunday, April 26, 2009

First Camping Trip

So I havent blogged in a while ... I know I left off tinkering with countdown for my South America trip. That was fun by the way. Anyway, as I find time, I would update my experiences and learnings from SA.

In any case, my latest excitement is that I went camping this weekend. I went through the highs and lows about if I should go and what it would be like. (Yeah I had never been camping before). Anyway, I talked it through with a few friends and with some encouragement from some few folks I decided I would join the Texas MBA folks and go rough it for a night. I figured if I really hated it, I would be back home in my bed the next day anyway.

On Saturday, I packed up my things and drove down with a friend to the Guadalupe State Park in New Braunfels and join the rest of the MBA peoples at the river, spend some time watching people play frisbee, I finally join them in the river and just chit chat with people around, and then we have fajitas for dinner, and seat around and listen to people play instruments, sing songs and just relax. I actually also pet a dog - (By the way, this is major for me) and I think I may get a dog when I graduate...

Sleeping was interesting. We had 4 tents up on our site and we had a couple of people snoring through the night. I could deal with that and it started raining too so that was interesting. Woke up the next day and ended up taking a shower (Yes we had toilets and shower stalls) so technically, I didn't rough it too badly :). Had breakfast and drove back to Austin. It was great. I came back feeling really relaxed but still sleepy :).

On this trip, I learned how to skip stones, I had my first smores, I actually didnt chicken out and go sleep in a car :).

I'm glad I went. It was fun. More than likely, I'll go with the group again next year.

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