Sunday, April 5, 2009

First Kayaking Trip

So I subscirbe to the notion that a life well lived is one that has ventured out into as many different areas and tried as many different things as one can. Coming from someone who is somewhat reserved thats a big deal but recently and I dont know when this all started, I've decided that I'm going to try as many different sports, events and activities as me and people areound me are exposed to.

I guess like any normal person I get nervous about the things I have not been exposed to and there are a lot of these things. And going along with my 2009 - Year of Adventure, I decided to go Kayaking with a group of friends from school. (Sorry, I didnt have my camera - so no pictures) We went to the Town Lake, rented Kayaks and off we go. - I clearly had never done this before so I got in a duo Kayak... My rational, if for some reason I go down, I want someone else to be going down with me.. preferrably someone that can swim better than me. :).

It was a pretty windy day so it made it hard to paddle/row but it was fun none the less. I remembered feeling sore for a little bit for the next day but I had a great time :).

Oh and we saw some sea turtles, ducks, and other kinds of birds. It was loads of fun. I'll definitely do it again.

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