Sunday, February 15, 2009

Self Development


So ever since my trip to Spain, I decided that I would try to learn Spanish, mind you this is like 2 years ago now. This year, maybe because of my excitement about my trip to South America, I decided that I would do something about it and so I signed up to take Spanish classes. I'll be going at my own pace but I have all semester long to get as far as my schedule can allow me to. I am pretty excited. My first class was last Friday and it was great. Amazing how many things you can pick up when people talk and gesture. Anyhoo, I counted how many days left before my trip to South America and its 21. I am sooooooooo looking forward to this trip. I'm also beginning to have butterflies in my stomach. The little mild nervousness I get before any non-business flight that I am about to embark on. It only means it would be good. Oh and by the way, no Buenos Aires for me... Flights are too expensive. I'll be spending some time in Buzios instead. Should be fun.

I am also planning to take up swimming, whenever I get back from my South America trip. Ifound out that I can take classes for cheap on campus so I am trying to take advantage of that as well. That should keep me busy too. I have to say that I do know how to swim, just need to perfect my breathing techniques...

Adios (What? I have to have at least 2 Spanish words in there :))

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