Sunday, February 22, 2009

What a great Soccer Saturday!!!

So, this Saturday, my MBA soccer club, of which I am the treasurer, hosted a Soccer tournament consisting of about 20 teams from other top 25 MBA schools across the nation. It was fun. I have to say that as an co-planner of the event, I had a great feeling watching the details of an event that we had been planning since last year come to life and come to life successfully well.

We had 2 teams that played well but both of our teams didn't even get to play in the finals. Nevertheless we had a great time. I've always liked soccer. Not sure if it's because it is/was the default sport in Nigeria in the sense that almost every Nigerian born child at some point in their life either played soccer, owned a ball or watched the national team play. It's almost like you inherit soccer skills by the mere fact that you were born there. Anyway, I got to play. There were only 3 of us girls on our two teams of 22 but we had a great time. I think I am a decent player. I mean I've learned to pass the ball over time but my major contribution to the team is clearing the ball. As a sprinter by nature, I can run fast (BUT NOT FOR LONG), so playing defense allows me to intercept a ball and clear it away from home. I actually get some satisfaction when guys who don't expect me to know what I am doing realize that I just intercepted their play :) or better yet when they try to dribble past me and I intercept that... I love it ..Ha ha.

Anyway, it was a fun filled Saturday, I had friends from my class come watch and support and ultimately we had a good time. But by the next day, I was in a whole new world of pain... I'm looking forward to the rest of the pick up games this semester.

1 comment:

neuyogi said...

99Can't remember the last time i played soccer which saddens me. Maybe this summer I can get into some games. You have inspired me to rekindle my soccer loving.