Monday, January 19, 2009

I love my mommy

So this year started off weird. Oh yeah..Happy new year by the way. Anyway, my mom had a knee surgery and luckily I was on vacation so I could take time out to go care for her in the hospital. As a child of medical professionals, you would think I would be fine with the idea but the truth is that I maintained a front of being calm while inside I just was really really uncomfortable. I had prayed about it and I was not worried but just not comfortable with the idea that someone that I was really really close to was going through with a surgery. It went well and after one scare a week after the surgery, my mom is great (I mean she can move the leg a lot more now and she has to go through with a few more weeks down time and physical therapy). This whole experience gave me a new perspective on life. My mom, one of the parents that has cared for me my whole life and I were reversing roles... I am now caring for my mom. Basically, I realized that my mom is also getting older just like I am. I mean I expected to tour the world, read every book I find exciting and mom would still be chilling and I can come back and share all the adventures I went through with her. (A moment of reflection also came while we were in the hospital when I heard code blue. Apparently that meant someone on that floor was dying. Pretty scary thing to have to hear at least while we were there. Anyway, I'm happy both my parents are doing well and doing okay. And I'm happy I got to spend some really good time with my mom. I kept her up till 3 AM talking about absolutely nothing on some nights and I really enjoyed those days and I think she did too.

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