Monday, December 22, 2008

International Trip Plans - 2009

So since 2007 when I realized that I actually like to travel internationally I was happy that I got to do London, Barcelona, and Paris. For 2008, I got to do a last minute trip to London with my guy friends and so I guess I got to keep my promise. Anyway, you can imagine how excited I was when I actually bid for a class to go with school on an international trip. So my first pick was South Africa but I didn't get that choice. I found out that there was a spot for South America and I took it. So basically I get to go to Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, Santiago - Chile, and I am trying to squeeze in Buenos Aires - Argentina (well Spanish would have been nice here now wouldn't it?). What makes it more fun is that I was able to use my AMEX points to pay for my trip so basically I get to go for free.. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited :). I've spent the last week actually reading up on these places so that I can figure out the MUST sees. Oh yeah and since we have to do something project related, I chose one of the soccer clubs in Brazil, (not sure if its a popular club but would be cool to meet some possibly popular players as well. We'll see.... I am really excited maybe that explains part of the reasons the Brazilian songs are on rotation in my car.


neuyogi said...

Finally thy blog is updated. Reading it reminds me of Rihanna and TI's "live your life" cos you sure are living yours and I am proud of you. Maybe some day we can take one of the international trips together. Ciao. You should checkout this blog goodnaijagirl; th elink is on my blog on blogs i stalk.

Nigerian Drama Queen said...

Brazil and Spain are definately on my list of places to visit.
I absolutely lovedddd Buenos Aires.
Keep living your life!