Monday, December 22, 2008

My Dreams for Spring 09 Semester

Maybe I know better than to make all these big plans because I never know what my workload will turn out to be but I still feel like I should make some kind of plan

So here goes, I guess since timing also coincides with new years maybe I can call this my new years resolution???

Anyway, I would like to get more involved with the community (helping out at church or volunteering at a food bank). For years, my excuse has been that I've been on the road and now that I am no longer on the road, I should be able to do something here hopefully.

Pick up soccer - Well technically I already "picked" it up last semester but considering how the MBA soccer team decided that we should get a coach, my guess is that things would get a lot more interesting :)... I am looking forward to it.

Swimming - okay so this is dedicated to the latter half of the semester. my goal is to take a swimming class to brush up my skills.

Spanish - Okay so maybe I've been slacking in this department. Ever since my trip to spain last yeah I meant to learn some spanish but what had happened was [YOU CAN FILL IN WHATEVER REASON YOU THINK MAKES A GOOD EXCUSE]. Anyway, I'm trying to learn something while school is in session next semester plus I have plans to hopefully use it during the later part of next year.

Also, to make sure that I can positively impact the different organizations that i signed up for or ran for office for... I have a pretty optimistic picture for next semester and I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited.

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