Monday, December 22, 2008

Hellooooooooo and I survived my firsr semester.

So there has been like a million and one things that have happened this year and I really dont know where to start from. In any case I'll try to summarize and hopefully as my life moves more into balance I'll be able to keep up with blogging.

Okay so the biggest change in my life has been that I spent the last year and a half prepping for the GMAT so that I could pursue this MBA thing that I'd been dreaming about. It finally did pay off and I got into 2 great schools and I went through trying to figure out which one would be a better fit for me. I dragged out that decision for a long time because I think inside I was scared to leave everything I know. (brief history is that I had worked with one firm since I graduated with my bachelors in 2003 and the truth is I had gotten really spoiled with travelling and racking up hotel and airline points). Anyway, I finally made up my mind and accepted what I felt was a better school. Welcome University of Texas at Austin. I'm a longhorn now and after a few days on campus I knew that I made the right decision for me.

Jeez I learned a lot this semester. I had accounting, finance, statistics, marketing and economics (Assigned schedule - clearly not my choice). The more I got into the semester the more I realized that there is a lot to learn about various subjects in life. I also realized that various courses are linked. topics in finance pop up in statistics and accounting. Anyway, I learned a lot and now I am looking forward to more learning next semester.

Okay I don't know how UT picked the class of 2010 but they did a good job selecting my peers. I absolutely love my classmates and I have to mention that there is a special bond in Cohort 4. The people in Co'Fo' also rock, so does the Consortium Peeps, the GWIB women, the Soccer peeps... The whole crew

We have some really smart and funny professors and as any other instituition we have some professors that I dont necessary agree with their tactics or with all their messages but I still learned from

Surviving my first semester
Five letters best sum up the first semester S.T.R.E.S.S. major stress at that too. I thought maybe it was only at McCombs but I quickly realized that my first year friends in other schools were going through the same pain. I dont know if that should have made me feel better but it didnt. The only way to survive is to take each day at a time. Focus on getting through the assignments as they are due, understand what the assignments mean and as much as possible what the professors teach in class because you never know if you have any more time to go back to review. Sad but true exam and midterm weeks were the only times I ever got caught up with class readings. I guess the hardest part was that each class had a new chapter per class period and that was 5 classes and each chapter per textbook was about 30 pages so trying to keep up was really hard. People tend to bond over the stressful situations.

School broke me. It ended up changing my perspective on life which ended up being a good thing for me. It made me think through a lot of things, doubt myself sometimes but overall, I think it made me tougher than I thought I would have EVER been. There were times that I was glad that I decided to go to B school by myself because if it was someones wish for me, I would have hated them at some point into the semester. In summary, it was a humbling but great experience.

Oh and in between, I got to attend my first halloween party, my first football game ever (and by EVER I mean professional and college). I got to run for office and I got elected for one. I got an internship offer and I got to maintain some old friendships.. Ultimately I am extremely happy and I am looking forward to next semester.

I can honestly say that its nice to have a break from the semester :).. Anyway, enjoy your holidays everyone, I know I am bumming out and loving it :)...

Merry Christmas

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