Friday, August 8, 2008

Bay To Breakers

Okay so after another hectic work weekend (And Yes, I did work on a Saturday till 12:30 AM), I still wanted to go home so that I could atleast swap out my dirty laundry and pack for a last minute trip I decided to take to london. Ben convinced me to instead stay for Bay To Breakers. I'd heard about it before but I just had a picture of people running about 8 miles across San Francisco but trust me there was lot more to see.

Anyway, so I got up early so that I could actually watch the race and afterwards the real bay to breakers began. It's like a parade. (Think New Orleans Mardi Gras - except without flashing boobs... Instead full nudity by a small proportion of people you definitely didnt want to see naked). I think we counted about 50 out of a few thousands of people we saw during the parade. people came out in all kinds of custumes. We ended up staying behind an ING booth singing and dancing to the songs blaring from the tent and after the songs began repeating, we moved on. I had a good time... and I was still able to catch a flight to go home to pack for my trip to London. Altogether, I'll say that this was a well stacked weekend.

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