Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Edyth's Roll Off Dinner - Alioto's

Recently, there have been many changes going on at work on my current project and there are as usual rumors about being rolled off the project at the end of the month 3/31, which happens to be a Monday. This only means one thing – My last day is Thursday since I had plans to be in Atlanta on Friday this coming weekend.

Anyway, as a thank you gift to all my guy friends in the bay area that I bother for one thing or the other, I invited them out to dinner with me at Aliotos, which I would have to call my favorite restaurant in San Fran. It is located in Fisherman’s wharf which is a nice touristy side of the city.

So Ben and Kenny came out and we had a great time. The more I learn about myself the more I realize I like to have people around. I mean don’t get me wrong I have a lot of fun chilling home by myself but I would never turn down free time to hang out with people I think are cool. Anyway, after being quizzed on what my favorite things in the city were, I realized that I hadn’t seen enough of the city. Ben offered to take me sight seeing if I got extended on my project.

On my way to drop Ben off, he found out that I hadn’t been on Lombard Street so we took a detour and I drove down. Yay!!! He also gave me some facts about SF.

I had a really good time altogether and you won't believe this, I finished my meal... Okay so maybe not all the side items but I didnt have a take out box. I am making progress :)

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