Sunday, March 30, 2008

ATL - My next home location?

So I guess after doing some major soul searching for the last year and a half, I realized that I don’t really see Dallas as home. I’m not sure why that is but I’ve really never bonded with the city and even though I would pick Dallas over Houston I still don’t want to be in Dallas. Anyway, after going through the “what-I-really-want-out-of-life” soul searching period, (and mind you, I didn’t figure out everything) but one thing that definitely came out of that phase was that I figured that I needed to move. Now, the question is – “where should I move to?” A part of me thought ATL would be a cool spot to be in but after living in San Francisco for over a year, I realized that I want to be migrating to San Francisco eventually but since I don’t have that kind of pay check yet, I would do a soft move to somewhere quite similar. Anyway, I already had a ticket to check out some programs in Atlanta and so I was in the “A” this weekend.

On arriving in Atlanta, I had this weird mixed feeling. For one, going through the emotions of the days that I lived in that side of the country and the fun I had, for another I realized/remembered why I didn’t really like the city. I met some really cool people at the event I was out there for and they were quite convincing, but I realized that for some of the things I want to do with my life, I think I would benefit being on the west coast.

Anyway, I had a great time out here. I met some fun people as usual (I know that’s like a done deal anywhere I go). I also got to catch up with one of my big sisters and one of my “nephews”. He is so cute… I spent time convincing him that he could perform magic… (Mmm those good innocent days). I of course had to stop at my favorite dessert place in ATL - Café Intermezzos. I also got to meet up with 2 of my cool peeps out in Atlanta. I flew back home pumped about the idea of relocating and partially convinced that I would benefit from being in Atlanta depending on how things go.

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