Friday, March 21, 2008

Recruiting at NSBE...... #5

So every year, I work with a core group of about 6 co-workers to help plan my company's involvement at the National Society of Black Engineers Nationaly Conference. I love participating in this because I see it as an opportunity to give back. I was a member of NSBE as an undergrad and I guess I am one of the people that the organization blessed because I got a scholarship through them in undergrad. I was also able to secure an internship at GE Financial and my current job via the NSBE national event.

I feel like going back with my company gives me the opportunity to give another opportunity to people who are in similar shoes that I was in about 5 years ago.

Anyway, so this year, made it my 7th National conference - 2 as an undergrad student and 5 as a recruiter with my company. As usual, I helped to plan food, groceries and other minor things. The conference was one of the best I've been to so far. I know I normally get nervous around the fact that there are new names every year or new positions for the people who would no longer be attending but every year it gets better.

The line up this year, arrive, have a team meeting, answer questions, define recruiting process, go to a team dinner, package team bags. All day recruiting for 2 days, happy hours and welcome reception for prospective students. There is a lot of prep work in the back ground that goes into all this but it still turns out fun. This year, we stayed in a really fancy resort (The Rosen Shingle Creek), but I really couldn’t take advantage of it because of the amount of hours and events that we have lined up while at the recruiting event.

My girlfriend came by and she squatted in my room with me. She had time to explore the hotel and she loved it. Speaking of customer service, my TV had my name on it when you turned it on and my Phone had my name as part of my information as well (and yes.. you guessed it correctly, I took pictures).

My favorite thing at these events is meeting great and not so great candidates who are actively searching for their next jobs. Some of these people are funny. Its like they didn’t give some thought to their presentation and delivery. I guess it helps me realize what other people see when you make a presentation.

My co-workers are always fun to hang around as well. I realize that if/when I eventually leave my company, these type of events will make me really miss the great people that I have worked with.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, this years conference was in Orlando, FL. I was glad I was able to spend some time behind that weekend to enjoy the city.

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