Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How do the rich live?

Ha ha.. I wish i knew but all I can say is that I had a great time this weekend. This was the weekend that my project took us to Tahoe (Squaw Valley). Initially, the project was going to take care of lodging, feeding and snowboarding fees and classes but because of liability concerns we got lodging and food. It was great. Since I sprained my ankle a while ago, I almost backed out but I learned that there was a spa we could visit and I decided that I would go with the group.

Gosh, I didnt even realize how much I enjoyed snowboarding but it was hard to see other people ride and all I could do is watch. I felt bad when I found out that it takes about 1 - 2 months for sprained ankles to heal. I take it I would be missing the rest of the season. Anyway, the ladies and I went to a spa and it was amazing. A full body session for 50 minutes and boy was I not relaxed. It was great. I even sampled the steam room.. All I can say is that I couldnt breathe and so I could only last about 10 mins max but yeah it felt really good. We even made some pretty good contacts.... met the ex CEO of The limited stores.

Anyway, after that the girls and I went to blow off some time in the hot tub... You would think we had no bills to worry about but I guess I learned to relax so I had a great time altogether. I am pretty happy that I am still practicing my new years resolution.. Still living in the moment :). Pictures are coming up soon...

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