Saturday, March 1, 2008

Baby Shower.... (One close to my heart)

So as you know, the regular tradition is to have a baby shower for someone when they are a few weeks shy of their delivery date. Its some female tradition that I really havent gotten into yet.... you can blame that on the fact that most of my friends are just now getting into that phase. Well, today, we threw one for my sister. I dont think I have been this excited. I mean I know that on average, I am naturally excited but this was actually somewhat different.

Anyway, after weeks of emailing back and forth with the cool people in Houston and my sister in Dallas that helped to plan the event (something about being away and sending cash donations) excuses me from all those minute planning details.

As usual, we played games none of which I won :(. but they were fun. My coolest memories of this weekend outside of the fact that I was able to catch up with some of my cool friends that i havent seen in so long is the what's in a mothers purse. They asked for things like pictures of a baby, pictures of a monther, and my favorite, crayons... Now you would think duhhhhh.. there is no way anyone would have crayons and there goes this lady with a whole set. Thats it... I learned my lesson, I need to prepare before I attend any of these showers in the future... bridal or baby.

It was a lot of great memories though. I think I had a good chunk of the crowd laughing because I was being ridiculously creative fighting for points especially when I was loosing all the games. At some point I was so sure I would send my sister into labor :).. luckily she didnt go into labor because I would have freaked out... I had a great time though.

Oh yeah, my younger sister and I had some time to goof around and take some pictures... Hey, there was still some excitement about my new camera that takes really really clear pictures... Enjoy

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