Thursday, February 14, 2008

Common is coming to See Me

Okay so Common as in Common as in the artist had a show in San Francisco on Valentines day and as you can imagine, I had to go see my husband :)... Yeah that's right we are married :)...

Anyway, I went to his show with some of my friends and I had a good time. I dont get to go to a lot of concerts because I am always on the road and sometimes I think its painful trying to schedule where I will be when the show is in Dallas or when the show is in wherever I need to be. It was just like his first show that I went to see in Atlanta 2 years ago. He went through a good amount of the songs on his new cd and some old ones as well, freestyled for a little bit and even got on his drums and finished up with one of my favorites.... The light (as usual)... I dont know why I like Common as much as I do but something about his lyrics, his guy next door ness and it helps out that he looks good too..

So I didnt have a camera at this time but I took a few shots with my camera phone and I didnt know how to turn on the flash on my camera phone so I didnt bother taking pictures of the group that went out. I had a great evening though. Pictures will come up shortly...

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