Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Falling in Love with San Francisco

Okay so I've been out in Cali for about 22 months now and for the most part (mostly because of the travel), I was ready to leave because I wanted to get on a project that was closer to home. But now that things seem to be heading into that direction, I am beginning to enjoy Cali (San Francisco to be specific) and I'm not sure that I want to leave anymore. But as the case with consulting, all good things and all bad things (project wise) must come to an end..... eventually.

Regardless of how things pan out in the next few weeks, I am happy that I will not be leaving or staying with any regrets because I know for a fact that I was meant to be here at this time. I know I was meant to meet the people that I've met, (the support system that I've had from my girlfriends and coworkers at work helped me get through some very tough professional times), messages from the preacher man on Sunday confirming what my vision, dreams and goals for this year are, the new friendships I've built, the MANY new things that I've given a first chance, Fun shopping and I think one of my favorites Saturday's breakfasts from the 46th floor overlooking the city of San Francisco Saturday (I think the view and great company, made this a personal favorite of mine). All of these things have made me fallen in love with SF (Granted I have a skewed vision of the city, after all, I enjoyed staying right in the center of everything without having to foot the bill out of pocket), I cant also leave out the many fun people I've met on my many flights back and forth. I'm looking forward to the next few weeks (regardless of if I get to stay or go).

And I guess as I wrap up this posting, I'll leave with my advice to everyone for this year

Live in the moment
Push yourself to do more than average
Have fun
Try new things/be adventurous
Take risks
Make the best decision for yourself at every moment... (You don't ever want to look back wishing you had taken an opportunity to try or do something)
Live life to the fullest..

I sense that my life will take on a different direction in the upcoming months and in as much as I am excited about it and I am looking forward to it, I am also nervous and I think that the "nervousness" also has me excited...

I'll keep you posted.

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