Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Little Black Snowboard-Riding Hood Part II

One word describes snowboarding for me... Amazing!!! Yeah its different and yes its not like anything else I've done before but it was really fun. A lot of work and as expected I fell a few times. Not sure if it was because I was well padded (thanks to Keyna and her detailed picture list of what I needed to buy) or because I am skilled :), I didnt hurt as much. Yeah I was sore but it just felt like I worked out every single muscle on me. Which is good. I need to get ready for summer... This should be a great one too.

My notes
- Snowboard boots are heavier than I thought but it didnt take long to get used to.
- The concept of moving with out actually walking and without actually rolling on roller skates was a little hard to grasp.
- The Snowboard lesson helped a lot but I still need to figure out how to slow down instead of turbo down the hill.
- In conclusion: Its a fun sport and I am looking forward to going back really soon.

Enjoy the few pictures I could take.

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