Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011 - The year I find my six pack

Haha, so I have mentioned this idea to a few friends - 2011 is the year that I find my six pack. I know that it exists and that it is in there somewhere :)..

On a more realistic note, I've decided to try to be healthier this year, reduce my direct sugar intake by that I mean

1. Dessert can no longer qualify as dinner or breakfast items
2. I need to infuse more fruits in my diet
3. I need to drink more water and I need to ensure that I have water everyday
4. My goal is to shoot for less snacks during my busy days at my desk at work (Try to swap the snacks for fruits)
5. Will shoot for balanced meals per meal
6. And FINALLY, I want to hit the gym FREQUENTLY

It's no news that I hate the gym. It's not that I hate to work out but I feel like the gym is boring. I would rather go running in the park, play soccer every day, play badminton every week. For one thing, I like having the option to interact with other people and talk smack. I feel like with the gym, you have to concentrate, face your machine and do your thing. But considering how the snow and the cold weather have forced me to hibernate this winter, the gym would have to do.

It also helped that I got free a couple free day passes to LA Fitness. I'll see how the work out experience goes and will decide when to end my relationship with the gym. The goal is not to lose weight except belly fat weight.

Wish me luck

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