Thursday, December 31, 2009

Looking Forward to 2010

I'm used to having tons of things planned for the new year. Usually by now I would have taken some kind of inventory on what happened in 2009 and I would have planned major milestones for 2010 but for some reason this end of year has been very different. I mean I've learned so much about myself this year and for the first time I feel like I dont know what to plan but the things that I want to plan and not the things that I need to plan. Okay, I'm not trying to speak in code so let me explain.

For the last 5 - 7 years, after I got my bachelors, my goals were to pay off loans, bills and credit card debt - and the result check, check, check. Then the goal was save up for business school and go through the business school application process - Again another check. Next year, the goal is simply - TO LIVE. Dont get me wrong, I have some other major goals that I need to and want to make in life but I feel like the next couple years will be more focused on living life. I sometimes feel like my consulting life made me grow up too quickly. Dont get me wrong, I dont regret it at all. I'm happy that it happened, I'm happy that I learned all that I did. I guess somewhere inbetween setting goals and achieving them I've also learned to appreciate life.

I want to look back years and years from now and be happy with what I've done with my life. I dont want to look back and only remember my time in the office. I am also becoming more mature. I know I say this quite often. Well actually, it feels like I say this every December but this year there is something different. I dont know what it is. Maybe it's because this year I have some kind of peace. some kind of excitement. I've began to realize what I really like, what I really want. I'm learning to decide the best decisions for me no longer out of need but out of what I really want to do :).. Yay!!! I guess what I mean is that I am discovering me and need I say I am loving every single moment of it.

so with no MAJOR solid plans and goals set, with a graduation to look forward to and a few trips planned, with some uncertainty about life in a new city especially without any end date set for this new phase of life... I am nervous yet excitedly looking forward to 2010.


*Technically I am early but lets face it, I wont actually be blogging in the new year*

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