Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm China Bound

So today, I found out that I would be china bound for Spring Break. (Class bidding for our global trip started today). In any case, I am super excited. I guess somewhere in me there is this desire to see the world or as much of it as my funds, points, and companions would lead me to. (I dont think I would ever travel internationally by myself - without meeting up with someone). In anycase, my trip to China would be my first trip to Asia and it would be my visit to a 5th continent. I'm super duper excited. I'm also excited because I would be going with a real good group with school. We have about 4 stops that I know of and it would be with the same professor.

If things go well I would also be taking a class in Washington the first week in January and then if I get lucky be visiting Milan, Rome and Paris, France as well.

I'm also hoping that someway, somehow, I would still *cross my fingers* make it to South Africa for the world cup.... A friend of mine got tickets and said I could come along. This seems a little far fetched but there is a small possibility that it would happen. Anyway, I am praying that 2010 would be a good travelling year for me... :).

Looking forward to seeing the World,


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