Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Good Book: The Time Traveller's Wife

So, I know I've mentioned tons of times that I like to read. and I still havent quite figured out the best way to find really good books to pass times with. I have a couple of friends who have a sense for what I like and they've been great resources but I feel like that I need to find some kind of book club that has an idea of what I like and can help out...

In any case, while I was heading out to a cousins wedding in MSP from ORD, I went by waldenbooks and with the help of people working there and the fact that I heard my roommate said this book was good, I ended up buying the time travellers wife. All I can say is wow!!! what a book. The story was captivating, the writer used really beautiful words and the characters were easy to connect to. I think it has to be one of my favorite books read so far... Comes really close to Francine Rivers' Redeeming love...

I would detail out the story if I could but I think its a book worth reading so I wont....


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