Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another Great Birthday

I like birthdays and I really appreciate mine. I guess regardless of how crazy life may get, something about taking out a unique day to celebrate life sounds good to me. This year, things were a little different, I spent the last few days running around after my internship and trying to get ready for school that I didnt feel quite rested on my birthday. Plus the fact that my birthday was first day of school didnt make it any better.

So over time I've realized that every year there are a couple people that I need to talk to before I feel like my birthday is complete.

My mom being the most important.... She always gets super excited talking to me on my birthday and I'm always looking forward to her blessings. It makes me feel really special and I always appreciate it. This year, she was out of the country and I couldnt sleep so I called her and she was excited :)... Yay!!! I feel special.

So I have another mother figure in my life who is a blessing... She always checks up on me, is always sweet and like my mom always has a prayer for me on my birthday... I guess ever since that I found out that she genuinely loves me and especially because I cant quite figure out why, I've come to really really appreciate her also.

In my ideal world, I would NEVER work or do anything work related on my birthday. I got away with it my 5 years in consulting and I hope to keep that up when I get back out to the work force.

It was a slow birthday this year but I ended up going salsa dancing to celebrate... That was a lot of fun...

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