Friday, July 24, 2009

My visit to Wrigleyville

I'm not a big baseball fan but I understand the basics of it thanks to my internship days at GE where we had to play against their C level executives in that business unit. In any case, my business unit at my internship this summer took us on a fun trip to watch the cubs play the reds.

My first reaction was, this stadium is older. I guess I could only compare it to the ballpark in Arlington where I've been a couple times with my old firm to watch the Texas Rangders play. I noticed there were no big screens, the score board was old and looked like manual. But amidst all that, I couldnt really see any of the seats being a bad seat. The place had its own character and you could tell that Chicago fans truly truly loved the stadium. In honor of me, the cubs actually won their game and it was fun to see my boss's boss outside of work getting excited about the game. I guess as I try to look at the city from a unique perspective, would I really want to pack up my life and move here... I can see the ball park as a place to visit maybe once a year... It definitely added to my fun times in Chicago..

Go Cubs!!!

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