Monday, July 6, 2009

Is it fair to lie about names?

So I was out on magnificent mile on Sunday doing a little shopping... Actually I was done shopping and a friend of mine was picking me up so we could go to a comedy show... in any case I am waiting for my ride when a decent looking guy came by and introduced himself... He said hi, asked where I was from? asked if I had been to the taste of Chicago yet and just made some casual talk. He then re-asked where I am from originally and I said Nigeria... He said that's what he thought.. he said he was just hanging out with his boy Bola. So this got me thinking, (Okay so I had already lied about my name :), but what if I go to some Nigerian party and he is there with Bola chilling... I guess the world is becoming more educated and so now I need to stop lying (maybe I should not be lying in the first place).

So I'll digress for a second but I have this pink short sleeves sweater shirt that I'm just now realizing is a dude magnet. Seems like everything I wear it I get a complement even if its not because the guy is trying to hit on me :)

Oh on the side, this weekend was amazing, I had Friday off, I got to laze around and do nothing :), and finally went to a comedy show at a place called Rumba.. Some of the comedians were funny and some ...tooooo dirty.

After a fun weekend, I'm not looking forward to going back to work on Monday :(


Anjuan said...

That explains why when we first met you told me your name was Aslqwnlnklgklblbls Jones.

Jade said...

haha... I cant even pronounce whatever you typed :)...

Do you think it's really bad to lie :) in this scenario?