Monday, June 29, 2009

Another Fun Weekend in Chicago

So this weekend I had an amazing time.

It started with our really fancy dinner at the Chicago Steakhouse. One of the other finance interns had friends coming into town so we decided that dinner would be good especially since today was pay day and I have started adjusting to life with state income tax... (I just had to catch myself before I go off on a tangent complaining about taxes)..

In anycase we had a hefty bill but AMAZING steaks and then I had to be a party pooper because I had an early saturday soccer game.

Soccer today was against other companies at Lincoln park. The turf was really good and we actually qualified but got kicked out in our 4th game but it was a really fun day to play. The weather was beautiful, the sun was out but there was a lot of wind so it felt really good on my skin and it made playing in the sun bearable...

Afterwards I walked down michigan avenue and I didnt splurge today.... Something about taxes being high :)

On sunday, after church, we went to celebrate with the graduates - Lunch at a Thai restaurant. Even though the meals sucked it was fun being around other young peeps and chatting over dinner.

I wrapped up the weekend at the taste of Chicago and took lots of great pictures... Yay!!! It was fun. good music, good food, great atmosphere, awesome weather (actually at this point, I'm not sure I would survive being back in Austin :)... We walked around for a while just checking out menus and sampling all kinds of food. All in all it was a great weekend.

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