Friday, May 29, 2009

First few days back on the job

So going back to the office felt like starting a whole new project except this time I feel like I am being interviewed for 3 months. The people here are so nice and I keep catching myself working at my consulting pace tyring to make sure that everything is done on time. What's next? What's the problem? How can we fix it? When is the deadline? :).. I'm happy I think that way but I am also looking forward to catching my breadth to assimilate as much information as I can so that I can actually learn about the business.

On the side, funny things that I have learned

1. Who knew all kinds of cheese exist :)?
2. Who knew I would actually need to use futures prices? I thought that was some myth in Corporate finance class :)
3. Who knew that some of the things we learned in Strategy class - eg our case on Monsanto and the genetically engineered beans would actually be useful. Except now its about genetically engineered pills for cows

On a good note... I've already started working on one of my projects and I think I am going to enjoy it..

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