Friday, April 25, 2008


So a few weeks ago, my family got a cute little extension. Yeah, that’s right. My older sister and her husband gave birth to a baby boy. Guess what his name is? That’s right oh my goodness….. You all are a smart bunch.

So yeah, William! Yep. First of all, before you proceed to asking, no I was not in the delivery room (I think I will still be in shock today if I had been). So far, I have escaped having to be in a live delivery room and for the life of me, I think I want to escape it until it’s needed. Did you just call me a chicken? Oh! I didn’t think so. Like I get the concept, I know just what was taught in school and with the amount of pain mothers say they went through, I think the only way for me not to change my mind about wanting to have a kid is to not see a woman in that much pain.

Anyway, enough about me, for now anyway, (and just so you know, I didn’t intentionally miss the birth, I was clearly working in San Francisco and the munchkin refused to come out on his scheduled date and since he didn’t have his people call my people to schedule a meeting so that I can attend his delivery, I couldn’t make it. Anyway, I went by to see my cute nephew. He is so tiny. I mean seriously looking at how tiny he is and how delicate and soft he is gives me this fuzzy warm feeling. I mean, something that tiny makes you appreciate life more. I guess I really haven’t spent that much time with a new born. I held him for a little bit at least until he was hungry. I also saw the little munchkin take a bath or should I say scream all the way through a bath. I didn’t realize something that tiny could make THAT much noise. You don’t believe me? I have a picture that proves it… Enjoy!

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